Unlock potential with K-humate

Nov. 12, 2024 | 5 Min read
K-humate is a highly concentrated source of humic acids which is sourced and produced in Australia. The product’s high quality and proven performance is now well recognised all over the world.

 K-humate is a highly concentrated source of humic acids which is sourced and produced in Australia. The product’s high quality and proven performance is now well recognised all over the world.

Humic acids are naturally derived from the breakdown of plant and microbial matter. Humic acids are the foundation of all fertile soils. Over the years, these humic acids accumulate in the soil to provide the soil with greater nutrient holding ability, water holding capacity, readily available carbon food source for beneficial soil micro-organisms and better soil structures.

This is Nature’s way of minimising nutrient losses to maintain long-term soil fertility and to ensure sustainable plant growth. Humic acids present in the soil hold a wide range of micro-nutrients and macro-nutrient around plant roots to provide all the essential nutrients for quick root uptake and optimum plant growth. 

Humic acids also improve the wetting ability and water holding ability of the soil. K-humate provides a helping hand to farmers and growers to achieve greater crop production through a more effective use of applied fertilizers and maintaining long-term soil fertility.


  • Stimulates growth of beneficial soil fungi and bacteria
  • Provides readily available source of carbon for soil micro-organisms


  • Good chelating properties which reduce loss of nutrients due to leaching and run-off
  • Free-up many soil-bound nutrients, particularly phosphates, calcium and micro-nutrients Lock-up aluminium in acidic soils which is harmful to plant growth
  • Good buffering capacity which helps stabilise the soil against strong pH changes from fertiliser applications


  • Promotes soil agglomeration and better soil structure
  • Opens heavy clays and hard, compact soils
  • Helps soil wetting which reduces surface soil crusting and improves water penetration and retention in the soil

Soil moisture

Soil organic matter (humus) has a great ability to hold nutrients in the soil until they are required by plants. It is the humic acid molecules in the humus which hold most of the nutrients from applied fertilizers.

K-humate, with its high concentration of humic acids, greatly improves the ability of sandy soils to hold many essential nutrients such as ammonium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and the trace elements.

Humic acids, which are trapped in cracks and pores and adhered to the surfaces of sand particles, hold onto many important nutrients which would have been otherwise lost to leaching.

Sustaining balanced nutrition

Like the saying goes, "You are what you eat". Similarly, the wellbeing of plants depends not only on what you feed your plants, but also on the availability of the nutrients in your applied fertilizers and how successfully the plants are able to take these nutrients through their root system and foliar.

K-humate soil conditioner increases the movement of calcium down the subsoil and plant root zone where it is most needed. Greater calcium concentration in the soil treated with K-humate® was evident down to a depth of 16cm. This means quicker response from applied calcium in terms of nutrient availability and plant uptake.

Calcium is important in promoting plant cell development which will result in healthier plants, greater resistance to diseases and better crop quality. Scientific studies have shown that a large proportion of your fertilizers are locked-up in the soil soon after application, particularly phosphates, calcium and micro-nutrients.

K-humate can unlock some of the bound phosphate and micro- nutrients in the soil by chemical reactions which solubilise the fixed phosphates. Additional phosphates are also released by microbial activity brought about by the presence of K-humate.

Better Root Growth

K-humate also stimulates greater root growth in seedlings and mature plants resulting in higher nutrient uptake in plants and a greater ability to tolerate extended dry spells between irrigations or rainfall. A more extensive root system growth promotes greater plant vigour and better crop yield and quality.






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