Fulvic acid the natural growth builder

April 8, 2024 | 2 min read
Seasol’s Trilogy fulvic acid product is organically certified and combined with Kelp (Seasol), for root growth and increase tolerance to plant stress

Pesticides keep you in business

April 3, 2024 | 3 min read
Way back in September 2023, crop growers were looking forward to this past season.

Walk the Line (Post) with Gallagher

March 31, 2024 | 2 min read
The Gallagher Insulated Line Post is a tailor-made, fully insulated line post for low-cost, low-maintenance permanent electric fencing for cattle, horses, sheep and deer.

Six months off-shears lice free guarantee

March 29, 2024 | 3 min read
Don’t just ‘treat’ lice off-shears this autumn. Get a guaranteed, fully-effective outcome with Extinosad Pour-On or Viper Pour-On from Elanco.

Tenet eases weed control in canola

March 28, 2024 | 5 min read
NEW herbicide options are expanding the weed control toolbox for canola growers, helping alleviate concerns over herbicide resistance and the ongoing use of popular options, as well as crop safety.

The band behind the aid

March 26, 2024 | 2 min read
Leading animal health company, Elanco, is continuing its support of Australian farmers and rural communities via an ongoing partnership with Rural Aid.

Don’t get slugged on your bottom line

March 20, 2024 | 4 min read
Economics should be one of the factors driving decisions about baiting and other control methods for slugs, seasonal influences and monitoring tools are another.

Speeding up hunt for snail solution

March 17, 2024 | 5 min read
A recently completed project managed by CSIRO has renewed attempts at establishing parasitic flies in parts of South Australia, aiming to suppress Cochlicella acuta conical (or pointed) snail populations.

Pestivirus is a pest for bovines.

March 17, 2024 | 2 min read
Pestivirus is an insidious disease that is endemic in both the beef and dairy herds of Australia. It’s estimated that up to 90 per cent of herds have been infected.

Strong start to 2024 for Grochem

March 16, 2024 | 3 min read
Grochem Australia has made an impressive start to the year by taking over the distribution of a suite of products from Sumitomo and adding four new ones to its expanding portfolio.

Beating glyphosate-resistant grasses

March 16, 2024 | 4 min read
In the face of widespread glyphosate resistance in their summer grasses, Condamine growers Jake and Felicity Hamilton of Krui Pastoral needed to change their herbicide use significantly.

Fall armyworm launches new assault

March 14, 2024 | 3 min read
Fall armyworm (FAW) are being detected at unprecedented levels in sorghum crops across Central Queensland, the Western and Darling Downs and northern NSW causing what experts predict, could be the most significant impact on sorghum since the pest’s arrival in Australia in 2020.

The slowly changing face of the dairy trade

March 11, 2024 | 4 min read
Australia’s dairy import and export mix is “slowly trading places” – with export volumes falling sharply in recent years while imports have spiked, Rabobank says in a newly released report.

Rabbits Cost ag $239 million annually

March 9, 2024 | 2 min read
Rabbits cost ag $239 million annually Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, is calling on rural and regional Australians to join in the longest-running citizen science survey of rabbit diseases in the world, to help keep the invasive pest in check.

Infinito controls disease

March 9, 2024 | 3 min read
Keeping disease pressure under control is a cornerstone of 75-years of high-quality vegetable production for the Taylor family.

Townie makes mark on dairy

March 7, 2024 | 2 min read
After growing up as a self-confessed townie, Penny Welch has embraced the genetics industry and been rewarded for encouraging a new generation.

Wet seasons encourage ryegrass growth

March 1, 2024 | 4 min read
Wet seasons encourage ryegrass growth. Better-than-average seasons across southern NSW in recent years have resulted in an increase in the annual ryegrass seedbank in many paddocks, highlighting the need to look at a wide range of weed control strategies.