$100,000 Zoetis gift to help Beyond Blue

Dec. 14, 2022 | 5 Min read
Zoetis has reached its goal of raising $100,000 for the Beyond Blue Support Service to support good mental health and reduce suicide rates across rural Australia.

Zoetis has reached its goal of raising $100,000 for the Beyond Blue Support Service to support good mental health and reduce suicide rates across rural Australia.

Every year since 2016, Zoetis has partnered with Beyond Blue with unwavering support for the mental health of those living in rural and regional Australia by donating $5 from each sale of livestock, pig and poultry vaccines and drenches up to $100,000 for the Beyond Blue Support Service.

2022 has seen Zoetis once again reach its yearly goal of raising $100,000, bringing the total donated to the support service to $700,000 to date.

“It’s a great honour for us to once again achieve our fundraising goal with Beyond Blue for this great initiative,” says Lance Williams, Zoetis senior vice president and cluster lead, Australia and New Zealand.

“At Zoetis, we recognise the importance of improving mental health, reducing the stigma around mental health and tackling the tragedy of suicide, which disproportionately affects people in regional and rural areas.

“People living in rural areas face many challenges which can take a toll on their wellbeing, including disasters, economic change, isolation, limited access to services and most recently, the pandemic.

“Together we have made strong progress in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of those who live in rural Australia, and we are passionate about continuing to help.”

Beyond Blue Chief Community Officer Patrice O’Brien said the likelihood someone will die by suicide appears to increase the further away from a city they live.

“Considering the vastness of Australia and the number of people who live in regional and rural areas, it’s a concerning fact that remoteness is a major risk factor contributing to mental health issues and suicide, with the suicide rates being 60% higher than rates in major cities.

“In addition, people in outer regional, remote or very remote areas of Australia face more barriers to accessing health care than people living in major cities, making it harder for them to maintain good mental health.

Ms O’Brien said demand for Beyond Blue’s support services increased 20 per cent during the pandemic and remains higher than pre-pandemic times.

“We know that people are doing it tough right now and ongoing impacts of the pandemic, cost of living pressure and extreme weather events will continue to affect people’s mental health,” she said.

While sadness and worry are normal human emotions and we all have our ups and downs, Ms O’Brien said there are some indicators to look for if you think a family member, friend or colleague might need help.

“However, if the behaviour has been going on for two to three weeks, then a quiet conversation might help,” she said. “Such behaviours might include a drop in their performance at work, they may be getting into conflicts, they might be withdrawn, not sleeping, or there might be drug or alcohol use.”

Derek Schoen, Beyond Blue board director and beef, grain and hay producer in Corowa, said farmers have to wear many hats as part of their role.

“Modern farmers have to juggle multiple roles such as, production and HR management, you have to be a tech expert, and need to understand international markets, while also running the business. Adding to this is the additional stress of fire, drought, flooding and COVID-19 related issues.

“People in rural Australia are known for their resilience in times of crisis, but even the most resilient among us need extra support at times. We want everyone to know that support is available and encourage people to seek advice. Asking for support is a sign of strength – not weakness.

“If you think someone needs your help, you don’t need to be a psychologist to ask someone how things are going and listen to their concerns. Your conversation can take place while you are doing something together, like driving or fixing something.

“Be prepared for the person to say they don’t wish to have a discussion, as many people in rural areas are self-reliant. However, if they do want to talk, you don’t have to be a psychologist; you don’t need to respond, just sit and listen and ask how you can help them.

“Having a conversation can make a huge difference to someone’s life.”

Zoetis and Beyond Blue’s mental health initiative shines a spotlight on the higher suicide risk posed to the farming community.

Ms O’Brien thanked Zoetis for their efforts in supporting this important cause. “We are honoured to receive such wonderful support from Zoetis each year with all funds raised going towards the Beyond Blue Support Service.

“To date, over 14,500 people have been able to get the support they need through these funds. As well as the importance of the funds raised, Zoetis’ support of Beyond Blue in rural and regional communities, ensures that more people in those communities are aware of our services being available to them, which is so important,” Ms O’Brien said.

The Beyond Blue Support Service offers free and immediate counselling, advice and referrals via phone, webchat, or email. In addition to the support service, Beyond Blue has resources and information online at www.beyondblue.org.au, including Online Forums which offer peer support in a safe, moderated setting.

For more information about depression and anxiety, visit www.beyondblue.org.au. To talk to a mental health professional for free, contact the 24/7 Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 46 36.

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