AGT canola means more choice

Sept. 13, 2022 | 5 Min read
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has broken new ground with the release of three new open pollinated (OP) canola varieties, Bandit TT, Renegade TT and Outlaw.

Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has broken new ground with the release of three new open pollinated (OP) canola varieties, Bandit TT, Renegade TT and Outlaw.

According to Haydn Kuchel, CEO and head of breeding at AGT, the move reinforces Australian Grain Technologies’ commitment to providing Australian growers with more choice when it comes to canola variety selection.

“OP canola can provide most growers, especially those in the low and medium rainfall zones, a reduced risk and more profitable option. The cost of seed shouldn’t stop you from having better genetics,” he said. “When yields are lower, or opening rains are less certain, OP varieties show their greatest profitability improvement over hybrids.

“Why pay $50–100 upfront to access hybrid seed, if you can get it, without knowing if you will get good establishment, or how the season will finish?”

Mr Kuchel said AGT is passionate about providing Australian farmers with improved genetics in a way that suits Australians and the Australian climate.

“We believe that these varieties can play an important role for growers, they help to put flexibility and resilience back in the hands of growers.”

He AGT is also innovating how the seed will be launched to growers.

“We are doing this a bit differently. Leading in to the 2023 season, if you’re an AGT grower that has planted our wheat, barley, durum or lupin varieties in the past, we will be in touch to offer you free seed of Bandit TT, Renegade TT and Outlaw.

“This seed is our 20th anniversary gift to you to say thanks for supporting the company over the past two decades.”

AGT canola breeder, Sami Ullah said the three varieties have been named in line with the rebellious spirit required to enter the hybrid dominated canola market.

“Bandit TT is a very quick flowering variety that has shown its best adaptation in quick season environments and lower yield potential areas.

“Meanwhile Renegade TT is a quick flowering variety and picks up from Bandit TT in environments that are mid-yield potential and appears to have wider adaptation.

“Finally, Outlaw is a very quick flowering conventional variety with impressive yield. Overall, Outlaw has shown yields 4% higher than AV Garnet, leading the charge in the smaller conventional market segment,” he said.

Categories Merchandise Spring horticulture & viticulture

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