APVMA Stakeholder Engagement Framework

Jan. 7, 2020 | 5 Min read
The APVMA invites our clients and stakeholders to provide feedback on our draft Stakeholder Engagement Framework. The Framework, and accompanying Stakeholder Engagement Activities document, outlines the APVMA’s stakeholder engagement strategy for the 2020–23 period.

Please note: The closing date for submissions has been extended to 21 February 2020.

Making a submission
When making a submission please include:

  • contact name
  • company or group name, and role within the organisation (if relevant)
  • postal address
  • email address
  • the date of submission.

Please send your submission to:

Email: APVMAConsultation@apvma.gov.au


Corporate Services
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
GPO Box 3262
Sydney NSW 2001

Please note that all submissions received are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 1988. In providing your submission to the APVMA you agree to the APVMA publicly disclosing your submission in whole or summary form.

The closing date for submissions is 21 February 2020.

For enquiries, please call +61 2 6770 2300.

Categories Product development & regulatory services