New herbicide tolerant brassicas

Nov. 1, 2023 | 5 Min read
Livestock and dairy producers in Australia are now able to take advantage of herbicide tolerant technology, on a range of forage crop types, with the DLF Seeds, Cleancrop Brassica System.

Livestock and dairy producers in Australia are now able to take advantage of herbicide tolerant technology, on a range of forage crop types, with the DLF Seeds, Cleancrop Brassica System.

Cleancrop combines high yielding, conventionally bred forage brassica varieties with the broad spectrum weed control offered by Telar Herbicide.

DLF Seeds product development manager Isaac Berry said the Cleancrop Brassica System had been operating in New Zealand for over ten years (supplied by PGG Wrightson Seeds) and is now available in Australia on a range of agronomically suitable cultivars.

He said the release of the technology was particularly timely with limited herbicides registered in forage brassicas and issues with weeds in many areas.

“This technology was developed using traditional plant breeding techniques in New Zealand and has an excellent fit to manage weeds that historically are hard to control.

“It has been widely tested under Australian conditions with many examples of how effective this herbicide can be in controlling weeds and allowing the crops to develop and thrive.

“Cultivars in the initial launch phase include Cleancrop leafy turnip, Cleancrop Toto turnip, Cleancrop bulb turnip and Cleancrop Firefly kale.

“All have excellent agronomic characteristics, have high yield potential and will reward farmers when used in conjunction with the Telar Herbicide weed control.”

Mr Berry said numerous local trials had demonstrated the significantly higher yields from crops that had controlled weeds with the herbicide.

Telar Herbicide is from the sulfonylurea mode of action group (Group 2), and has some 48 weeds on the label, including a wide range of challenging species such as grasses, fat hen, capeweed, docks, thistles, radish, wireweed and mustard.

It can be applied pre-emergence, either incorporated by sowing (IBS) or as a post-sowing pre-emergent application within two days of sowing. Telar Herbicide can also be used as a post-emergent spray once the crop has reached the four-leaf growth stage of the crop.

The post-sowing pre-emergence (PSPE) application is the preferred timing to maximise herbicide uptake and weed control. At this timing, at least 10–15mm of rainfall or irrigation is required within 14 days of application to ensure the herbicide has been incorporated into the top 5 cm of soil.

Cleancrop brassica varieties are suitable for direct drilling and conventional sowing, with no soil incorporation of Telar Herbicide necessary.

FMC herbicide portfolio manager Stuart McLaverty said Telar Herbicide has a low application rate of 20 grams/ha for all application timings.

“Telar is a Systemic herbicide absorbed through both the roots and foliage and translocated to all active growing points, preventing further plant growth.

“Typically weeds germinate, grow to a height of a few centimetres, before then beginning to yellow and die. This whole process may take several weeks but the weeds will have stopped competing with the crop long ago.”

Telar Herbicide has medium-term residual activity, providing extended control against target weeds, and with less competition for resources, this forage brassica System is set up to reach its optimal yield potential.

Mr McLaverty said agronomists and growers should consider the weed spectrum and a range of other agronomic factors when considering a Cleancrop Brassica System for any paddock.

“There are clear guidelines on the label in terms of re-cropping intervals for Telar Herbicide. Soil pH, rainfall, soil temperature and organic matter, all play a role in the soil breakdown of Telar Herbicide and future rotational options should be considered before proceeding.”

He said producers should also be diligent with their sprayer clean-up and be vigilant as to which paddocks have and don’t have the Cleancrop Brassica System.

The Cleancrop Brassica System is available from accredited retailers, in an all-in-one pack of seed and herbicide to use on a set number of hectares.

In 2024/2025 and beyond, the amount of seed available, cultivars released, and accredited retailers will be increased.

To find out more about Telar Herbicide and Cleancrop, visit the DLF seeds or FMC websites.

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