Update on late-season glyphosate use

Aug. 13, 2019 | 5 Min read
The late-season use of glyphosate on barley, under emergency use permit (PER82594), is no longer permitted

Grain Producers Australia Chairman, Mr Andrew Weidemann, advises that the late-season use of glyphosate on barley, under emergency use permit (PER82594), is no longer permitted.

The permit issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, expired on 31 July 2019. While GPA have applied for a permit extension and an Item 25 label application for Barley 1 (feed barley), the use is no longer permitted.

Mr Weidemann said “While APVMA assess the application, the MRL at 10mg/kg will remain.

“While the permit extension and the Item 25 label application are being assessed, the use of late-season glyphosate is no longer legal without a permit or label application”, said Mr Weidemann. GPA will provide additional information and updates as it is available.


•Grain Producers Australia have applied for an extension of the previous permit PER82594 that expired on the 31st July 2019.

•An Item 25 (technical evaluation) application for late season glyphosate application in barley (except malting barley) has been lodged by GRDC with the APVMA, including a letter of support from Bayer Crop Science (Australia).

•The APVMA will undertake their normal review as required under regulations to assess those applications (regulations cover both the process and timeframe for that review). As advised previously statutory timeframes cover their activities.

Additional information

•It is expected that the current barley MRL will remain until the outcome of the review is advised by APVMA (through their usual consultation process). Hence barley grain with glyphosate residues will still be able to be traded:

-Within Australia provided the residue level is compliant with the Australian MRL; and

-Outside of Australia if the residue level is compliant with the destination country MRL.

•Currently, as the previous permit has expired and as the permit renewal and registration applications are being assessed, growers and advisors are reminded that late season use of glyphosate in barley is not a permitted or registered treatment.

•It is unknown if the permit application will be successful, or when APVMA will notify of their decision.

•In the interim industry should be prepared to continue to trade last season’s barley that may contain glyphosate residues, as indicated above.

Categories Knockdown & pre-emergent herbicides Post-emergent herbicides Winter cropping